UltraNote RPC Wallet


On this page you will find description of every method in UltraNote Ininfity RPC Wallet API. UltraNote Infinity RPC Wallet is a HTTP server which provides JSON 2.0 RPC interface for UltraNote payment operations and address management. Each method has its own page that can be found by clicking on this method.

To make a JSON PRC request to your UltraNote Infinity RPC Wallet you should use POST request that looks like this:



service_address: is an IP of UltraNote Infinity RPC Wallet, if RPC Wallet is located on local machine it is either or localhost.

service_port: is UltraNote Infinity RPC Wallet port, by default it is binded to 8070 port, but it can be manually binded to any port you want.

Walletd common options:

Option Description

-c [ --config ]

Configuration file.

-h [ --help ]

Produce this help message and exit.


Start with local node. (remote is default)


Testnet mode.


Specify data directory.


Which address to bind UltraNote RPC Wallet to. Default value is


Which port to bind UltraNote RPC Wallet to. Default value is 8070


Username to use the payment service. If authorization is not required, you can leave it empty.


Password to use the payment service. If authorization is not required, you can leave it empty.

-w [ --container-file ]

Container file.

-p [ --container-password ]

Container password.

-g [ --generate-container ]

Generate a new container.

-d [ --daemon ]

Run as daemon in Unix or as a service in Windows.


Register service and exit. (Windows Only).


Unregister service and exit. (Windows Only).

-l [ --log-file ]

Log file


Working directory that you wish to use for UltraNote RPC Wallet. Default is current working directory.


Set log level.


Print wallet address and exit.

Remote node options:

Parameter Description


UltraNote daemon address, You can set to localhost.


UltraNote daemon port, You can use 8081.

Local node options:

Parameter Description


Interface for p2p network protocol, You can use


Port for p2p network protocol, You can use 30000.


External port for p2p network protocol. Use 0 if port forwarding used with NAT.


Allow local ip add to peer list, mostly in debug puposes.


Manually add peer to local peer list.


Specify list of peers to connect to and attempt to keep connection open.


Specify list of peers to connect to only.


Connect to a node to retrieve peer address and disconnect.


Do not announce yourself as peerlist candidate.

Example of config file

container-file= # REQUIRED. Path to wallet container container-password= # REQUIRED. Password data-dir=/srv/ultranote # Where blockchain data is stored. Defaults to /home/user/.UltraNote bind-address= # Use server IP or bind-port=8070 # Port rpc-user= # Auth user for RPC service rpc-password= # Password for RPC service server-root=/srv/ultranote # Working directory log-level= # Log level 0-4 local=1 # Use In-process node daemon-address=localhost # remote daemon address, don't use it with in-process mode daemon-port=30000 # UltraNote P2P port.

Minimal Configuration

container-file=/etc/ultranote/container.iwallet container-password=secret123 bind-address= bind-port=8070 log-file=/var/log/walletd.log local=1

Generate wallet container

walletd --config=/etc/paymentgate.conf --generate-container

Start UltraNote RPC wallet

walletd --config=/etc/paymentgate.conf